
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Crazy days = Brain overload

Okay. So here's the deal. I posted yesterday my post for Halloween right? Since my internet was down I couldn't do it on the right day. So then I was going to do a 2nd post later on at some point. Well obviously I didn't manage that. I had this massive paper due today, and despite starting it well in advance it still came down to the wire for some finishing touches and editing. So before I realized it, it was a new day and I hadn't done my second post. I chose sleep (key to success) over doing another post. So I figured I would play catch up today and write two posts. Well that's seems pointless because by the second post I would have nothing to say. So I'm just going to put both videos into this one post. Got it? Plus, I don't have much to say anyway because it's getting to that point in the semester where life is hectic and my brain is on overload. Can you tell? Oh, and Happy Hump Day.

30-Day Challenge #1: TED Talks
Days 18 & 19

Okay so this first one goes with my whole environmental theme. I was talking to some people today about my passion for the environment so this seemed kind of fitting. This one is interesting because it is a talk by Mitchell Joachim about combining biology and architecture to make organic, green homes. It is a very interesting concept. I love biology (I do have a degree in it after all) and I am fascinated by architecture (my brother is an architect) so I find it fascinating to combine the two. Enjoy!

Okay so for this second talk, I chose a talk by Derek Sivers about how to start a movement. It's kind of interesting because he includes some rather interesting footage to support his ideas on how to start a movement. It makes valid points, and is pretty entertaining. Enjoy

Now, I promise that every thing will go back to the daily normalness (except for my hectic life right now, that won't change.)

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