
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Alphabetical Advice

I've been doing a lot of alphabetizing lately so this seemed fitting. 

Challenge: Create a list of alphabetical advice. 

A: Ask questions.
B: Be there for those who need you.
C: Clear your mind.
D: Destroy what destroys you. 
E: Enjoy each moment.
F: Find a place that makes you happy to just be there. (Mine's the beach)
G: Give without receiving.
H: Help others.
I: If you can't find it, stop looking for it, and it will suddenly be there.
J: Jump as high as you can.
K: Keep moving forward.
L: Listen carefully.
M: Make your voice heard.
N: Never let others bring you down.
O: Open your mind. 
P: Promise only if you can fulfill that promise. 
Q: Quiet times should be appreciated.
R: Read for fun. 
S: Start your day right (whatever way that might be for you).
T: Take care of the planet. 
U: Understand that you are as strong ad you think you are. So hold yourself up high (but be humble).
V: Visualize your dreams.
W: When you think you can't go any further, take one more step.
X: X-ercise to stay healthy not skinny. 
Y: You have to love yourself inside and out before you'll open your heart completely to someone.
Z: Zoom through life and you'll miss out on some amazing experiences. Don't be in such a hurry all the time. 

I hope you find some of this advice useful. Happy Saturday!!

There's beauty all around us, but we must take the time to appreciate it.

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