
Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Dinosaurs!! Omg I want to go to Dinosaur World so bad. It's one of the things I said I would do before I graduate. I was going to go this semester but then this new lack of a car thing really ruined that. But I've been dying to go there since before I even came to college. And I'll be really sad if I don't go there. I  think I'll have to make a summer road trip back down this way just so I can go to Dinosaur World!


I definitely just got way to excited when I saw that the word today was dinosaur. haha. I literally yelled dinosaur out loud. Haha. Thank you for finally giving me useful words.

I really do want to go to Dinosaur World though. I will make it happen. Maybe it will be part of my drive 'til you run out of money trip this summer. Sounds good to me. I had 3 goals for this semester. 3 things I wanted to do before graduating. 1. Go to Dinosaur World. 2. Dive in the whale shark tank at the Georgia Aquarium. 3. Go skydiving. Goal fail. I didn't do any of them. Oh well. Still had a really good year though so it's okay. Besides it gives me more stuff to do in the years to come. Especially if I really do my drive 'til you run out of money trip. Not sure if I mentioned my potential travel plans in another post, but I'm going to mention them again because I'm too lazy to see if I did or not.

One (only one) of the following summer travel plans will happen (finances permitting):
  • Trip to Las Vegas. With Jeana, Kelli, Kermit, and anyone else who decides to come along. 
  • If that falls through, then I'll hopefully take a trip to either England or Ireland. Having difficulties deciding, but I doubt it matters because I probably won't be able to afford it.
  • "Drive 'til you run out of money" Trip. Basically the plan would be to go home and work for a month or month and a half, save up all that money, then jump in the car and take off. Drive wherever (preferably in the general direction of cheaper gas prices) and just see where I end up. Then come home when I'm left with just enough money to get me home. 
  • US 1 Road trip. Been planning this one since high school. Drive from CT to FL down US 1. It might take a while but it will be fun.

Or stay home for the summer 'cause I'm too broke and save whatever money I make to start paying off those things called student loans. That sounds a lot more probable.

Anyway. Happy Birthday to me. Ignoring my birthday on Facebook failed as people who already knew my birthday posted on my wall and everyone else followed the trend. So I added my birthday back to my profile so at least everyone will know. Hoping for a certain someone to wish me a happy birthday, as that would make my day. haha. Now I'm off to take a final that I studied for an hour for. Shouldn't be too bad.

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