
Friday, October 21, 2011

The High Line

30-Day Challenge #1
Day 7
Ever heard of the High Line? Or of High Line Park? The High Line was a railroad freight line in New York City that was built high off the ground to make it safer. Freight trains were no longer used in NYC after the 80s, so in more recent years the city was gearing up to tear it down. This talk given by Robert Hammond is about how he wanted to preserve the High Line, and came up with the idea of making it into a park. So the High Line Park is born. It's located in Manhattan on the West Side, and is partially completed. It's pretty awesome from the video and what I've seen online. It looks like it adds a lot of beauty to the city, and it will be really spectacular when all the sections are completed. I haven't been to the High Line Park yet, but hopefully the next time I am back home I'll get a chance to check it out.

I think that turning it into a park was a really unique idea. It adds beauty. It attracts tourists who boost the economy. It's green. It's sustainable. It's innovative. I like that they held a design competition to find the right design for it. That gives architects and landscape architects and urban designers a chance to have their work seen and for them to work on such a great project.

Sometimes we take for granted the world around us. We don't always enjoy nature as much as we should or would like to. So take some time and go for a stroll in a park. You'll get some exercise and I'm sure it will make you feel refreshed and less stressed.

I hope you enjoyed the talk. If you're in NYC sometime you should consider taking a stroll through High Line Park.

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