Warfare... warfare. Chemical warfare? Makes me think of chemistry then. I love and hate chemistry. It makes me happy that I'm not in science any more, but there's also parts that I miss. I love learning some awesome chemistry things, but overall I don't think I miss it.
Honestly when I saw the word warfare I really didn't know where to go with it. I could talk a lot about our country's current state of economic warfare, or the wars we fight overseas, but as I tried to think about what to write, my mind kept landing on chemical warfare. That, in turn, only made me think of chemistry. As I said, I love and hate chemistry. I've learned so much chemistry over the years, and while it was rather difficult at times I enjoyed it overall. I don't necessarily miss it though. I don't miss science all that much either. I mean, I'm a science nerd so just because I gave it up as a profession, doesn't mean it's gone from my life. I love learning science and reading about science every day. I have some of my biology books from undergrad, and I do occasionally open them to just read for fun.
Like I said, science nerd. Take a look to the right where I have a list of some of the blogs I like to read. Some of them are very science-y. Just because I'm not going to have a career in science doesn't mean it's out of my life. I've been thinking about that a lot lately. I wondered if I made the right choice in moving away from science. I haven't moved away from science though. In the sense of my career path, yes I left science behind. But there's science all around us; we are science. So I didn't move on from science, and I don't need to move on from science.
30-day Challenge #1: TED Talks
Day 2
Here's an interesting TED talk for today. It's a bit different. Mostly it's just pictures of icebergs. It doesn't really instill an knowledge in you, but it has significance. Looking at the pictures of icebergs presented in this talk by Camille Seaman makes you realize a few things about life and nature. It makes you realize how magnificent these icebergs are. They're just frozen water, but they're beautiful. It also makes you realize how small we are on this earth, and yet we make such a large impact on the world. I really like this one, even though it's quite simple. I especially love the video at the end, it's pretty amazing. Enjoy.
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